Fallen for Her.

They had been searching for hours now but failed to locate her, Max and her manager tried all her favourite places but Bella seemed to have disappeared.

"Where do you think she is?" Enzo turned to Max.

Max breathed, " Right now I have no clue, we have exhausted all possible places she could be in and failed "

Enzo frowned, " Try putting that empty head of yours to use, Max. She has been gone for more than two hours and in case you forgot, she's pregnant "

Max blinked seeing her formed angry at her like that shocked her.

"You only met her once, but you care about her like it's been a year" she found herself saying.

Enzo fell silent, " I...I...." he turned away.

"Enzo it's not possible...."Max smirked...." that you fell for her?"

She watched her friend walk to his car, " Stop talking and get in the car " he said.

Max chuckled following him. He made a call and then they drove off. The car filled with silence soon after.

"So when did you realise you had fallen for her?"Max suddenly asked.

"Shut up " Enzo muttered.


Bella sighed walking out of the doctor's office.

"Am sorry but we can not operate on you, your body is weak and the pregnancy is delicate. if anything goes wrong we might lose you both " the doctor had said.

"But all I want is this thing gone " yelled Bella.

"And am sorry but we can't help, your state doesn't support any kind of surgery or you might bleed out and die. And as your doctor, I can't risk that "

Bella fell back, she had been holding it in, but thinking about being a mother scared her mother more than anything, and with the father being a one-night stand she was completely lost. She didn't want to tell Max cause she would feel guilt since it was she who offered the chance. And with such circumstances, Bell would have to leave her job too.

Tears filled her eyes and her weak legs were dragged out of the hospital.

"What am I going to do now "she cried dropping to the bench outside the hospital.

"Am going to lose my job, be the laughing stock of everyone at work and also be a single broke mother "Bella breathed..." your daddy's cheque from that night might help but soon it will also disappear "

Tears blinded her and Bella looked down feeling her body getting even weaker.

"I don't know what to, baby "Her hand slid down to her still slim tummy.

"Bella " a voice called her.

She sniffed and looked up, to see a car parked with someone standing outside. He moved heading her way, " Finally found you " he smiled getting closer.

Bella slowly got up, Enzo walked up to her and his warm arms embraced her.

"Am glad your okay "he uttered holding her.