
"Are you sure about going in there alone? " Willy asked 

Enzo scoffed, "I think it's time I remind you of who I am " he got dressed ready to attack. 

"But it's dangerous, and they seem to be prepared for you " 

Enzo nodded, "And that's what I want or it won't be that fun. If you boys want to help fine with me but leave those fools to me "

"Yes, Boss " they all yelled. 

"Freddie, stay back and wait for the old man. I know his on his way " he said walking off. 


Enzo walked into the building to see Robert and his group waiting. He smirked getting closer. 

"We meet again " Robert yelled. 

Enzo frowned, "We know each other? ". 

"Huh? " Robert blinked. 

"Him, I know "Enzo pointed at Richard but the rest I think you need to introduce yourself " 

They all looked at each other. 

"Am sorry but I enjoy it better when I know the names of my victims " he smiled.