Took You From Us.

"It was Bella, Frank... It was her" Enzo had returned home and told Frank what had happened. 

"Why would she do all this? ". 

"She never moved on, the rage was always inside her . I don't know what triggered her but now she's going on with her revenge ". 

"Revenge on who? " he asked. 

"Us, all of us who destroyed her family " he held his aching head. 

"That can't be possible, why would she... "he sighed.

"Alice told me she said we have taken everything from her so she's going to do the same thing to us. I tried talking to her but she pushed me away " he said. 

"She left, I thought you came together, Bella hasn't arrived yet, "said Frank. 

"What? But she left before us. I thought she was already home "he said. 

"No, Bella hasn't landed here yet. She must still be back there" he said. 

"Is there something she still hasn't taken care of there? Desmond and his friends have been murdered already so who is next? " he asked.