Trace of His Fingers

"Bella, it's been three days already, please talk to me," he said. 

Bella turned to face him, opening her arms. He sighed getting down to her, his arms embracing her. 

She hugged him closing her eyes, feeling his heartbeat close to hers. 

"Am worried about you? "he said. "what did they say to you too... "her hold around his neck tightened. 

"Alright, am sorry I won't talk about it " he said. 

He looked out the window, seeing the sun setting. 

"Should we go out for a walk? "he said. 

Bella let go of him, nodding. 

He smiled. 


"What are we still waiting for Father? She already knows so we can take her back "said Grable. 

"Ana needs time to take all this in, didn't you see how she reacted after we told her? It was a lot for her to absorb, they were her parents for some part in her life " said Leo. 

"But we are her real family "