Last Night.

"Enzo, Enzo where are you?" he heard Frankxs voice call.

"In here "he answered.

Frank walked in and smirked.

"I guess you had a wild night," he said.


"Look around you and yourself. Butt naked like that, you did" Frank moved throwing him a robe.

"Get dressed, we have things to do, "he said.

"How did you know I was here and who was I with....last night? " he slowly muttered.

Frank looked at him and scoffed.

"You don't remember...." Enzo gapped back at him. "Well that's a first, how much did you drink?".

"A lot I think, my head hurts, "he said.

"Hungover? The mighty Sulter heir has a hung over "Frank laughed.

"Stop laughing and tell me what happened?" Enzo got out of bed.

"How would I know what happened, I wasn't here with you . I only got a call from the reception to come pick you up . Seems your date told them how drunk you were last night". He said.