Goodbye & A Messy Morning.

"You knew him so well, it must have occurred I you that even if he was saying it he wasn't going to.... haven't I suffered enough too ? Do you think you the only one who did?".

She yelled.

Deborah met her gaze.

"What do you mean?"

Max got away from Bella.

You think I just met my new family immediately after we left home...I was homeless too, used, addicted, thrown away...abandoned and beaten up like I had no valve in the world..." she tears.

But I survived and kept fighting cause I knew if I gave up no one was going to do it for me.

My family you hate so much, gave me a home, a place to stay with warmth and love something we never got from ours.

The man you despise for loving me and being a killer, saved me more than once, loving me unconditionally, ready to die for me and my little girl. And I can't say they all came easily, but cause I never gave up I got what I deserved.