A Client.

He turned and looked at her.

"Is it because of my tattoos?" he asked.

"Not really, but even your friends I met that night...didnt fit any other description but that " she said.

"I guess your right, "he said.

"So, do you?" she asked.

He breathed.

"Can we talk about this today when I pick you up from work...I want to take you somewhere " he said.

"Take me somewhere?" her big eyes looked at him.

"Yes, if you give me a chance, "he said.

"Alright ".

They got to her company.

He helped her get out.

"Have a nice day "he said

She smiled, "wish you the same "

When she turned to leave his hand held onto her wrist stopping her.

"Bella " he called.

"Mmm" looking back.

"Can I ask for something?" he said.

"Go ahead".

"A hug "he let out.

"A hug?" she repeated.

He gave her a nod.

"You want a hug from me " she asked.