
Max gestured Silver to come closer.

"Did you two have an argument?"she asked him.

"It wasn't a serious matter, am sorry I made her angry " he said.

"You don't need to apologize to me, am just worried about you both" she said.

"Thank you for you concern, Miss Max" he said.

"You both need to maintain a good relationship to be able to work together. If not it will put both of you in danger incase of anything goes wrong " she said.

He nodded ," I promise to do my job diligently "

She smiled , "Go get ready then, we leave in ten minutes "

"Do I need to change " he asked.

Max got up , " Yes you do , it's a date after all"

He nodded and walked off.

"Silver " she called.

"Yes "

Max walked up the stairs, "Now that we know you don't have a girlfriend, we are rooting for you "

"Huh?! "

Max laughed leaving . Silver blinked trying to understand what she meant.
