Under Control.

"How could they do this under your nose , now the organisation is in disarray " said one of the board members.

"My son had some personal matters to attend to, his not married to this company " said Shawn.

"Well while he was fixing his personal matters , the company and us where being taken over . Those lousy fools have everything under there control "

Enzo sighed ,"They used Frank to gain access to the company's information being able to find a way to do this . But they forgot something , that we control everything "

"What do you mean ?"asked the board members .

"When my wife discovered their spy with in the company I set some precautions. They own the company illegal so cant touch it's money . But most especially have no access to the organisation " he explained.

"Huh?! " everyone murmured.

Shawn smirked ," So what you mean is?"