Run Away .

Frank walked into Enzo's home with his wife. It was a three days since the incident .

"Where is he?"he asked Bella.

Bella smiled ,"morning Frank seem angry ?"

"Morning sister in law , yes kind of " he answered.

"His waiting in the terrace outside " she said.

He nodded and walked off .

Max walked up to Bella ," What up with your husband?" She asked.

"He told me Lorenzo is back and had promised to punch him if he saw him again " she said.

"Oh...but Lorenzo is gone . It's Enzo now " saidBella.

"Huh , so his going to..." she stopped .

They ran after Frank but where too late . He had walked to where Enzo was and without warning punched him in the face.

Enzo touched his face and smirked . He moved punching Frank back .

Frank glared and grabbed his shirt, they started fighting ,crushing into the table .

Bellla scoffed with Max beside her as they watch they Teo fighting.