Help With A Request.

Suzy opened her eyes to see Bella sitting beside her. She was eating an apple.

Groaning and moved gaining her attention.

"You're awake, want some " she offered a slice to her.

"From you..yes " she smiled taking it.

Bella sighed cutting another as she watched her.

"Sweet isn't it " she said.

Suzy nodded.

"I told your brother everything and he wasn't happy about it," said Bella. Suzy turned to her...

"You wouldn't " she coughed choking on the apple slice.

"Yes I would if it helped keep you to myself " she smiled getting up as she gently tapped her back.

"I can't let you go without getting anything out of you," said Bella.

Suzy leaned back down.

"But I don't know anything...he only told me to watch you and report to him," she said.

"Watch you have been spying on me "

Suzy nodded.."It was hard but I managed and you're where too busy in your world to even notice me"