"Dad you late..." Lilly breathed with a smile.
"Am here " he paused to look at her in a wedding dress.
"What is wrong Dad, it's isn't pretty," she asked frowning.
"No, you look different in it, grown up and beautiful," he said.
Lilly beamed hugging him.
"Thanks, Dad," she said.
Max smiled. She had made the right choice of marrying him.
"If you two don't hug each other we are going to miss the wedding " she said.
They pulled back. Lilly turned to her makeup artist to fix her makeup wiping her tears.
Frank stood back as Max fixed his suit.
"walk as we practised, and don't forget to smile," she said to him.
He nodded.
"I am going to smile," he said.
"Yes you are, if you dare cry I will kill you" she said.
"I said I won't" he assured her.