Then get ready to see what the part of the world everyone looks away from has to offer, bold playa.

New Betts City is a big, bustling place filled with skyscrapers and amazing clubs. It has beautiful, scenic parks, and smiles abound. It is a metropolis that even Las Vegas and Tokyo look upon with envy. Its state-of-the-art subways span the entire city, and its homes are works of art.

That's what most people who've never been to the city think, and it's not technically false. It has all that and more. Clean streets, amazing historical statues, great schools, and much more.

However, that's only one part of it. There's more to this city.

There are streets that get shot up every other week, statues covered with graffiti and pelican droppings, schools with more rats than students—and that's just scratching the surface.

You've lived here your whole life, and you've seen it all. The roads infested with gangs, the colleges with huge libraries and smiling students, the apartments with holes in every wall, the malls with every store from across the country, the homeless and crying children, and the beaches with grinning couples.

This city has everything you could dream about in it, and everything you would never want to imagine. And right now, you're heading into a life most people don't dare to even think of.

The life of a street fighter—the biggest sport in the city. And the most dangerous, this side of the world.

But first, before you take the step you can't go back from, there are some things we need to know.

What is—or rather, was—your job before you came here?