You were killing it, catching all those passes, dodging tackles left and right, and making touchdown after touchdown. It was cold outside, but you didn't let that affect you. It was your finest hour! Your team was winning by a solid ten points, and you were playing no small part in that.

It Was Your Day

Man, you love this sport. Soon there are only thirty seconds left on the clock, and you're the one with the ball. Fortunately, you're right in front of the end. Unfortunately, you're in a position no football player wants to be in. There are two players in front of you, and neither are on your team!

But you can't just throw in the towel. You run forward….

One of them trips and falls, so you hop over him. You and the other one smash into each other, but you knock them down and move forward, just barely making it to the end before you fall over. But you made it!

You hop up and roar in victory! Then you—wait! Yo, stop dancing! That player you knocked over is running at you!

They charge straight you, face beet red with anger. You're used to staring down players in this situation, but not after the game's over!

You wait till they get in close, then move forward at the last moment and knee then, making them crumple over and spit out blood. Every player is shocked, and the people watching in the stands can't believe it!

The officials run out and call the match over, and then the medics come out and bring the moron some medical attention. You and the rest of the team head back into the locker room.

On the way, your teammates all tell you how awesome it was for you to lay that sucker out like that. You get a lot of high fives and pats on the back, but the hype dies when Coach calls you into the office.

"Look, Candleshaper, that was the biggest incident we've had for a long time. You acted in self-defense, of course, but…that person isn't going to be able to play for a long time."

"I had to defend myself! What was I supposed to do?"

"Maybe just restrain them or push them off you…look, things aren't looking too good right now. The higher-ups are talking as we speak. You may be our best player, but I don't think it's going to go well.

"Listen, wait in the locker room for a bit. I just wanted to warn you things may go bad. I'll fight for you with everything though."

You nod at him and do as he asks.
