"The club will be opened and built on my estate. I sort of wanted it that way when I started. There is a lot that I have planned for that land, so it's very expensive and I can assure you that in the future, a lot of women and possibly men would be itching to stay on it."

"Since the workshops and the club are being built there, whenever a project is being done, rental costs will be incurred. Let's take, for example, the food research laboratory or the food workshop. A lot of food, some experimental will be cooked there and these foods or recipes will be then sold to other people. The kitchen itself would need pots, plates, ingredients and so many things. All of this also needs money and ..."

Every single action taken will need money, from rent, wages, and resources. Just because she was the one who started it, did it also mean that she has to incur all the costs by herself as well? She wasn't that holy.