Tambudzai still remembered the day the two carriages were delivered to the estate. The number of spectators that followed just to see where they were being delivered was too much. It nearly made her fear that something bad was about to happen to the estate.

When she saw it for the first time, the shock was so much that she couldn't sleep properly that night. It was one of the craziest nights she ever had after coming to the estate.

All she could think of was whether a thief would break into the estate to steal or something like that. She even completely forgot about how the estate was protected by crazy brigades who were scarier than any hoodlums she had seen in her entire life.

Talking about her mistress's carriage, the colors used were more on the neutral side, brown, cream-white, and black. Which wasn't bad at all, however, the size of the carriage made people wonder just what was inside and who the owner of that carriage was.