During the era when the Marathold kingdom reigned with supremacy and a contender that shook many, magic was still striving and wars were like daily bread.

Those with strength and the army would wage wars and people would die left and right.

Tapiwa felt fortunate that she was born in an era where magic was declining. However, otherwise with what she had faced already, who knows what more would have happened?

She didn't even want to think about it.

Marathold kingdom was a matriarchal kingdom, with women ruling. And this part made Tapiwa like this kingdom a lot.

At least women had power and weren't as restrained as they are today.

Men in the Marathold kingdom weren't restrained or suppressed, as people might think a matriarchal society would treat them.

With the ancestors who founded the kingdom being a group of female warriors who found the island and decided to find the kingdom, those that followed were women as well.