"Your Majesty, you don't need to feel guilty about what happened. It wasn't something that you could control."

"That's true. They caught up to us unexpectedly. By the time we realized what was happening, we were already surrounded."

After describing what happened in the days when the enemy launched an attack on the estate, Tapiwa just wanted to set the enemy ablaze.

Her fury could be seen and maybe because of her many abilities, some of the powers even leaked, startling Blaze into carrying the princess without the queen's instructions.

However, Tapiwa didn't flare upon seeing that but rather felt grateful.

Whenever she gets angry, she tends to fail to control herself.

It was something that she didn't even pass even when she was still in the space. That voice told her that with time, she would be able to control it. She didn't know when but she just hoped that she won't be able to harm her daughter.