"I could no longer stand it, Lady Martha. So, I filed for divorce. If I continued to be with her, I was afraid that one day I would come back to find my mother in the coffin!" with a dejected expression on his face, Chenge ruefully narrated his grievances.

Martha heard that and couldn't help but feel bad for Chenge. He had indeed suffered. It was a good thing that he ended the marriage before that could happen. But then what happened to Tapiwa? Where did she go?

As if he knew what she wanted to know, Chenge continued with his drama.

"Tapiwa got a divorce and the last time I heard news about her, she left the city with a lover of hers. Months later, when the lover returned to the city, I heard his acquaintances mentioning how she stole his things and escaped during the night!"

"What?" Martha exclaimed in shock, nearly jumping from where she was sitting, her hands shaking with anger. "How dare she do something disgracing?"