Unfortunately, it was too late to regret or have other thoughts now. The king had already sent a message. He was supposed to dine with her and spend a night, but to coax his favored consort; he wasn't coming.

It was a warning, and the king knew that she didn't take warnings and threats very well.

Was that bastard king finally showing his fangs after making use of her?

She wasn't going to allow anyone to succeed.

She clenched her fists angrily as she thought of a countermeasure. If she couldn't deal with that vixen directly, then letting others do that on her behalf would also work, right?

Thinking like that, she unclenched her fist as a smile blossomed on her face and she said to the kneeling maid, "Send a message to the king. I shall be going into seclusion and praying to the deities," giving a message to pass to her lustful king.