Chapter 21 - Versatile Arts

"Master... Aren't you afraid you're going to be in the spotlight after this? If you want I could take care of it for you and let's just say that a mysterious cultivator helped and killed them."

Liliane's worried voice resounded as she gave Siphyr a suggestion in his mind.

'Spotlight, huh..... Well, if you think about it, being famous has its perks and some people will think twice before approaching you.'

'Also, to fulfill my goal, I'll eventually get into the spotlight anyway. I'm just worried that the people who want something to do with me will find out.'

"But master, even if they find out you're Siphyr, you're still in a disguise and except for us, your family and Diane, no one knows about your disguise." Reassure Liliane.

"Also, I suggest changing your fake name to Yang Si, it's much better than Yang Siphyr. I'm sorry master but it just doesn't fit well." Liliane said while apologizing in Siphyr's mind.

'Well, sure, I guess Yang Si is indeed a much better name, I'll change it once I get back.' Siphyr responded after giving it a moment of thought.

'Also, those who they call Exemplars, they've been in the spotlight for too long and I kind of want to cause a little bit of chaos within their hierarchy, just for fun.'

Thinking so, Siphyr took out his spear and brandished it in the air before smacking it on the ground.


The ground crack at the immense force of his strength, Siphyr then proudly smiled at his opponents.

One big ass wolf and two humans came out from the forest and the aura they emitted was nothing but evil.

Siphyr knew what they were, they were from a human cultivator's sect who called themselves a demon sect.

They're nothing compared to a real one, and having the name of a demon sect is nothing but an insult to the Seven Great Demon Sects.

"I can't believe those weaklings manage to hold off and even kill all those beasts at the second wave." One of them said, his gaze was locked onto Siphyr.

He was looking at him with pure hostility without hiding it.

"It's because of that man, he's the reason why they were all killed and it hindered our plans on making this city a sacrifice."

He continued.

"He's the strongest out of all of them but he's only at the 3rd stage of the Seven Realms, he wouldn't be our opponent. Don't worry captain, I'll take care of that brat."

He smirked revealing his yellow teeth and looked at Siphyr with contempt.

"Wait... Let the centennial origin beast test out his strength first. If he gets killed by it then that'll just mean we overestimated him. We can't afford to be careless, after all he managed to kill hundreds of beasts by himself."

Unlike the one who was underestimating Siphyr, the man behind him ordered and he could do nothing but follow his commands, so he took a step back.

The man behind him was emitting a much stronger aura than the centennial origin beasts and the ugly looking arrogant man.

Also, he was smarter than the ugly looking man with crooked teeth, as he didn't dare to underestimate Siphyr.

"Kill that boy with a spear." He ordered the centennial origin beasts and it followed his words as if he was its master.

It was natural as the centennial origin beast has already been subjugated and enslaved by them.

The wolf rushed at Siphyr with only one thing on its mind and that was to kill its prey.

The speed of the beast was like a cheetah, making the ones from the inner forest seem slow.

Furthermore, its strength was clearly above the alpha of the previous pack, however seeing it closely approaching Siphyr didn't even panic.

He was calm and tranquil, it was as if nothing could bother him.

Then, he lifted his spear high up in the air, and the moment the wolf jumped and neared Siphyr, he slashed down.

His strike contained a mysterious force that wasn't visible to everyone around. The only thing they could do was feel its overbearing might.

Even if they weren't near they could feel their bodies getting slashed.

There was no spear user in the group, so it was natural they couldn't figure out what it was.

Siphyr was using his spear intent along with his spear aura that contained an illusory glow, making it hard for people to tell what the aura was.

Finally, the spear's blade made contact with the wolf's head, the charging wolf came to a stop and its head cracked open like a walnut.

It didn't stop at that, at the same time its head cracked a line following it spread from its head to its body.

Afterwards, the wolf's body was split in two.

Different kinds of expressions came over everyone's face. Shocked, disbelief, and.... Awe.

They were amazed when they saw Siphyr split the wolf into two. However, contrary to their expressions, the remaining two had darkened expressions.

As much as they wanted to charge in and kill Siphyr, they didn't. Even if they didn't admit it, they were afraid by what they just saw.

Something that even they couldn't do. After all, killing a centennial origin beast at their current level was basically impossible for them.

"Retreat...." Ordered the leader of the two.

"Y- Yes....." The ugly man was still shocked and he stuttered to reply after regaining his composure.

"Good thing I didn't rushed in to fight that brat, or else my body would've been two instead of one." The ugly man mumbled as he prepared himself to retreat.


'Versatile Arts, Bow: Piercing Gaze.'


An arrow came flying in a speed rivaling a bullet, aimed towards the ugly man.

The arrow turned into a streak of purple light and flew in the direction of the ugly man.

He tried to avoid the incoming arrow by moving in a zig zag, but no matter what he did, the arrow still chased after him.

"Aaargghh! P- Please SAVE ME CAPTAIN!"

He shouted but to no avail as the arrow already arrived and pierced the back of his head flying through his left eye.

"I- I need to hurry!" The captain muttered inwardly and ran for his life.

He was already far away and he was getting close disappearing into the forest.

Siphyr, on the other hand still had a calm face as if he wasn't bothered. Instead, he pulled out another arrow from his ring and aimed towards the man.

This time, he didn't use any techniques, only aura in the arrow. Then, he let go of the string and the arrow once again turned into a streak of purple light seemingly illusory.

After a few seconds, the arrow neared the captain and he looked back.

He saw his death approaching as his gaze fell on the arrow. However, his survival instincts overcamehis fear and he slight moved to his right.


Unfortunately for him, the arrow still hit the target and hit his left shoulder.

The impact and strength of the aura augmented arrow was immense causing him to lose his right arm as he screamed with all his might.

"Haaa... Haaa... Ha..."

His breathing became heavy yet he didn't stop his steps. The only thing in his mind was to get away, nothing else mattered.

Leaving behind his left arm, he staggered through the forest whilst stopping the blood from his severed arm.


Versatile Arts, Bow: Piercing Gaze

The one above is better than the one below right?

Versatile Techniques, Bow Art: Piercing Gaze
