Chapter 4 Turtle shell

Jessica's heart was furiously pounding against her chest from the sudden princess ride,her face reddened making Ladon sign on how beautiful his empress was.

As soon as Jessica was placed down by Ladon,her body stiffness from the hug suddenly relaxed as she sat on the throne seat but she didn't dare look at anyone below because she felt embarrassed from those burning gazes she's feeling on her most of all she was a little guarded from Ladon sudden decision, hopefully it's nothing to trick her right.

" Your majesty,you can't !!!"

A voice arouse among the audience,it was the voice from the prime minister.

The prime Minister's face was changing from green to black,felt like he had ran a marathon without getting any reward, one moment he was anticipating the announcement of his daughter becoming queen and carry out his plans for the future but the next moment the one whose crowned queen is someone else and worst of all the queen is someone from the enemy camp,so how is he going to do it.

Suddenly a majestic aura covered the entire hall followed by Ladon's cold voice sending a chill feeling towards the poor minister.

" Ohh, does the prime minister have any objections about my decision."

A first it was just an unusual feeling of unease but now the prime minister was very sure that something was very different about his Majesty, for instance his Majesty never addressed him in a distant way using his official position and lastly he could not direct his aura on him,the prime minister was had a feeling if it wasn't in the presence of foreign ambassadors he could be on his knees now,he didn't know why he could have this feeling but it was not a good feeling.

" No,No, your majesty you have wrong this minister..."

Snort sounds followed by a sacarstic remakes came from some of the ministers standing beside the military officials who were in support of the now crowned queen.

" Prime minister could it be that,you look down on the empress and think she's unworthy of being empress "

other ministers also chimed in,they couldn't wait to throw some dirty water when such opportunities arises.

" or could it be that only prime Minister's daughter is the only one worth,ohh she didn't even attend the ceremony is the prime Minister's house looking down on us."

" Could it be that the prime Minister's house has ulterior motives "

" Do they intend to rebel since, the daughter from the prime Minister's house did not succeed as queen."

" Nonsense when did I said such words, stop slandering me !!"

The prime minister furiously retorted his face red from anger, though he was furious his back was covered in sweat, just one careless sentence from him and he was already being accused of treason.

Ladon thought about it, from the original story though Dunstan Listone the prime minister was ambitious at this point of time his ambitious has not grown big and in the original story the previous host (King Ladon) was the cause of this ambitiousness of the prime minister and his daughter because of his foolishness to judge people including his mental and physical health declining.

" Since the prime minister is curious, eunuch Wilfred"

The chief eunuch standing beside the emperor bowed slightly and got the book from his bosom, waking down the stairs he gave the small book to the kneeling prime minister.

The prime Minister's back was straight as a pole though he was kneeling down his prideful composure irked Ladon so much that he felt like snapping his neck in a second, however he didn't feel too much offended because he wanted to see his reaction after seeing what's written down in the book.

Just as he had expected, once the prime minister started to flip the pages of the book his expression kept getting pale little by little, the more he read the more he became pale and his body shaking.

" Prime minister Listone..."

" Your majesty this...."

" What's wrong with him.."

Everyone present was astonished as they saw the colour drain from the prime Minister's face as he looked white like he had seen a ghost some began to wonder what is it that it's in the book to make the prime minister have a look of horror on his face but whatever it was it was not likely good judging from the way he looked.

Ladon sighed if it anyone else,he could have tried to win them over towards his side however for now he doesn't want to have to much entanglement involving this minister considering the unfavorable situation of this kingdom at the same time this can force those hidden enemies to come forth from there turtle shell and resolve the crisis of this empire all together.

" The prime minister needs some rest " Ladon coldly said and instructed the chief eunuch to carry out the order.

" escort the prime minister out."