Chapter 7 A tiger won't eat it's cubs

Elroy was waiting for the impact and pain when he fell while closing his eyes but the pain never come," mmm why is it so hard."

Elroy struggled to look up and finally saw a handsome expressionless face, face to face and marveled.

" Are bodyguards now so handsome" he asked, though he said it casually everyone present was stunned and had noway to collect the young prince error moreover the emperor looked expressionless and no one knows what his thinking.

Ladon was a little amused inside and fired back the question

" Why do you say am a bodyguard?"

Elroy was stunned and blinked his eyes at him then looked left and right.

"What are you looking for"

" A greasy old man with snorts on his face whose not only black hearted and ugly outside but also inside."

Kiran and those familiar with the young prince shivered and block out in cold sweet as they knew who the young master was describing.

They should have checked calendar when coming out today,so they instinctively made they presence unknown.

" That's wired,I don't see such a figure at all"

' That is because he is in front of you while he is nothing that you described. ' everyone thought.

While Ladon's thought where on what's described in the original storyline to summarize it all this little guy is his second son of the two triplets he got from the empress, their personalities are like,eldest looks a little cold considerate but that is because he was poisoned after birth while the second is a mischievously demon and the last one has a weak body with a mild personality.

One knight produced three treasures but the original host in order to satisfy his consort sent all the three sons to the military at the young age destroying their youthful nature turning them to vassels without emotions of love and only hatred,if not for the empress he could have died in their hands and not Rossa.

' Indeed his was truly foolish.'

Elroy looked but he didn't see anyone so he payed his attention to the handsome bodyguard he has meet, interrupting his thoughts.

" Handsome uncle, considering your are so good looking what else can you do."

Ladon who was pulled out from his thoughts was amused,this little guy likes going in the roundabout way while asking the questions his busy looking at the peaches, Ladon was a soul from the modern world even though he had PhDs in his studies something like making food was one of his hobby due to his melancholic personality to pass time but that doesn't mean he didn't have a temper.

" Alright let's go make some peach pies "

" Really,you can do it but I have never heard of making pie using peaches before." Elroy was erated and doubtful.

" Then it's our knew invention "

~ coughs ~ Wilfred coughed to Ladons words from been too shocked ' good lord the emperor shouldn't be found in the kitchen otherwise, things are going to be chaotic '

" Your ma....." Before Wilfred could finish, Ladon gave him a glare and signaled him to prepare everything and carry the peaches Kiran who was listening to the father and son conversation was also in shock inwardly,in the past the emperor didn't even want to catch a glimpse on his own sons know he didn't even put the young master down.

Kiran panicked ' oh no what if this the way the king to trick the young master then to punish him,I have to inform the empress immediately '

" Well shall we" Ladon smiled at Elroy and gesture for Wilfred to lead the way while carrying the peaches.

Kiran now finally had a chance to slip away together with the eunuchs and the maids.

She used her speed to go all the way to the empress palace Jade phoenix palace, the journey that takes twenty plus minutes walk from the garden was shortened by ten minutes, unfortunately she was denied access to enter after reaching the door.

" Get out of the way." Kiran who was panting hollered at guards blocking her way " I have something to report to the empress,can you bear the consequences."

" Lady Kiran."the captain of the guards capped his hands towards Kiran as they where colleagues for protecting the empress safety and he then explained the reason for their intervention without much expression on his face.

" The queen mother and the empress are inside and they gave the order to stop anyone intruding,so please wait unless it's something life threatening."

" The queen mother "

" Yes " Garrett responded to her inquiry, Kiran frowned but choose to wait for the empress to arrive." Then I will wait here."

" Okay"

' I hope am wrong, even a tiger won't eat it's cubs, will the young master be punished.' Kiran still appeared anxious and worried.