
Shaun returned home, ready to pack his things and leave the building to embark on his evolutionary journey! Now, his physical agility had undergone significant changes, making him capable of using ordinary weapons for self-defense!

An hour later, a zombie with bloodshot eyes, pale complexion, and a slightly open mouth, with dried black bloodstains, stood outside a building, gazing into the distance. This zombie carried a strange weapon, a one-meter-long iron rod with a frying pan taped to the top.

A pink curtain torn from somewhere was tied around its neck and fluttered slightly in the breeze, resembling a cape. With hands in pockets, the zombie began "stylishly" wandering around the neighborhood, as if patrolling its territory.

Shaun, while roaming around, contemplated how to infect more people. Suddenly, cries for help faintly reached his enhanced hearing. He turned to see that the sounds came from the neighborhood's small supermarket.

The neighborhood had only five buildings, and not far from the exit was a small supermarket. People used to frequent it before the apocalypse, and even more so now, but with some limitations.

A group of young people had braved the danger to reach the supermarket. However, their luck ran out as they encountered two wandering zombies just as they were leaving with their supplies.

The fresh smell of flesh attracted the zombies instantly, and they blocked the supermarket's exit. The group had no way to escape, not even through the small gap, as the zombies' claws were enough to end them.

Shaun's excitement grew as he let out a resounding roar and elegantly strutted over, his pink cape billowing in the wind. With the group cornered and their despair evident, Shaun had become their savior. Though his taste in clothes resembled that of a madman, who cared at a time like this?

"Save us! Please!" the three students cried out.

Shaun, his back turned to them, nodded slightly and approached them with his peculiar steps, wearing the heroic aura of a savior. The students pulled on their savior's pink curtain, clinging to it as if grasping at a lifeline.

But suddenly, one of the students wearing glasses let out a loud scream as Shaun turned his face towards them. Shaun immediately lunged forward and bit him, infecting the student with the zombie virus.

The other two students stood there dumbfounded, never expecting their savior to be a... zombie! And such a peculiar one at that!

The students thought, "Has biological evolution reached this point already?!"

"Alert! The host has successfully infected one person. Evolution points +10!"


In a blink, Shaun gained another 30 evolution points, feeling quite comfortable! He pushed the five supermarket zombies outside, allowing them to roam elsewhere. Shaun was ready to begin his waiting game once again.

The supermarket was a gathering point for survivors from the five buildings. With such a large number of people, there were bound to be many lucky ones who could safely reach the supermarket.

As they carried the food, Shaun would silently approach, and when the time came, they would encounter real zombies. He chuckled sinisterly at the thought...

Thinking of his plan, Shaun tightened the pink curtain around his neck, leaned against the inner shelves, and disappeared into the dim light, nearly undetectable.

The day quickly passed, and Shaun didn't encounter any survivors. However, on the second day, he suddenly heard the roaring of zombies one after another.

Roar... Roar...

What's going on?! The zombies are facing a crisis!

Shaun approached the entrance of the supermarket to see what was happening. A young girl in a white dress, with a slightly pale complexion, slowly approached the supermarket. It was evident that she had been starving for many days and had come out in search of food.

Numerous wandering zombies reached out to grab her, but she showed a look of fear without any harm coming to her. Beside her was a large white dog, with snow-like fur and a body over two meters long. With a single swipe of its paw, the dog killed one of the zombies.

In a short time, four zombies lay on the ground, decapitated and unable to get up.

Shaun thought, "My goodness! At my speed, I definitely won't be able to escape from that white dog." So he turned around gracefully and returned to the supermarket.

In the depths of the supermarket, Shaun laid down skillfully, covering himself with the pink cape, and transformed into a conspicuous "corpse"!

The young girl patted her chest, looking relieved to have reached this place safely. "Thank you, White," she said, affectionately petting the big white dog.

After observing outside for a while, the girl found no zombies in the supermarket, only a body lying on the ground. She presumed it was a survivor who had gone out to find food, judging from the strange weapon he carried—a frying pan attached to the top.

Unconcerned, she began to scavenge the shelves for food—chocolates, compressed biscuits, bread, and more. A smile appeared on her face as she looked at these precious items.

Suddenly, she let out a scream as her bare ankle got scratched, as if she had been stung by a bee.

Shaun, feeling quite pleased with himself, knew that with his intelligence as a zombie, he could easily take advantage of the girl as she passed by. He extended his arm and scratched her smooth ankle with his fingertips.

The girl saw that her foot had accidentally been scratched and thought she had bumped into something. Paying no attention, she continued to collect food from the shelves.

But suddenly, her vision began to blur, and she lost her balance, crashing into the shelves.


Thinking something had happened to its owner, the big white dog rushed in, seeing the girl lying on the ground, pacing anxiously. With its intelligence, it couldn't quite grasp what had occurred.

The dog kept wagging its tail, trying to wake its owner.

However, the zombie had lost her previous memories, and the fresh blood and flesh of the mutated beast were irresistibly tempting to her. Within moments, the big white dog's body was stained with blood as the girl continued to bite and tear at it, seemingly tireless.

The dog's pupils dilated, losing a large amount of blood. No matter how powerful a creature, it couldn't hold on. The giant body of the white dog collapsed to the ground, its tearful eyes still looking at its owner, as gentle and loyal as ever.

It had lost its power to resist, awaiting death, when suddenly, in its field of vision, the "corpse" under the pink cape slowly stood up.

The "corpse" kicked the girl zombie away and began to bite into the white dog.

It was Shaun, who had been pretending to be dead. The scene before him moved him deeply, so he decisively stood up.

I shall protect the dignity of the zombie race!

The spark of life in the white dog's eyes slowly faded, and it closed its eyes, entering eternal slumber.

Dogs truly are humans' best friends. If Shaun had raised one before the apocalypse, perhaps he would even have a pet now!

Shaun continued to bite away tirelessly. Now he understood why zombies had a tendency to attack mutated beasts—they carried a more advanced zombie virus within them.

He felt a sense of soulful satisfaction that surpassed infecting humans.