Successfully infiltrated

The people inside remained completely unaware of the "good deeds" done by Shaun. The middle-aged man continued self-indulgently with his speech.

"Before the military rescue arrives, we need to take care of ourselves first!"

"The shortage of food and water is known to all of you, but fortunately, we have brave students among us!"

"The era needs them, and we need them even more!"

"Now let's bless the hero Nevill, and hope that Kain can successfully obtain food!"

As the rotund middle-aged man's words fell, two pale-faced students, fear evident in their eyes, stood up.

To stay here, they had to go out every two days to find food and water. This was a rule set by Spike.

At first, entering the supermarket within the East Restaurant wasn't difficult, and it wasn't too far away. But gradually, the supermarket was emptied, and the students had to go to farther places, exponentially increasing the danger.

The last time two students went out, they returned empty-handed, and one even turned into a zombie. This further deepened everyone's fear.

Listening to the dean's encouragement, the two students grew even more afraid, their legs trembling slightly.

But they still arrived at the door, each carrying a large backpack and holding an iron rod.


As they were about to push the door, the face of a zombie suddenly pressed against the glass.

Seeing the wide, bloodshot eyes, the dried blood around the mouth, and the pale complexion, the two students screamed, unable to control themselves and falling to the ground.

"What the hell is this? You look like this even before leaving?" The middle-aged man's face turned angry. He went to the door, not expecting them to be so useless.

"Who the hell did this?!"

The middle-aged man looked outside and saw a dense crowd of zombies congesting the entrance, lingering without leaving.

Because there were over a hundred people inside, zombies would occasionally roam outside the house.

But today was the first time so many zombies had blocked the door.

Due to the zombies outside, the plan for the students to go out and find food today fell through.

"Everyone's food will be halved today!" The middle-aged man's face was full of anger, and his eyes were gloomy.

Many students dared not speak up in anger, and the first student to resist had already been thrown out of the door.

Everyone ate a small amount of food and then lay down where they were. To conserve energy, no one moved.

They looked like corpses lying there.

The eternal Blood Sun outside erased the distinction between day and night in this world, but humans still needed to sleep.

Many students gradually fell asleep, finding a faint glimmer of hope only in their dreams.

Hubbard looked around, then slowly got up and pretended to go to a corner to use the restroom. In reality, he entered a small room.

This was also the dean's private room, where other students weren't allowed to enter easily.

Mmm... mmm...

A seductive and low voice sounded, and Hubbard went directly inside.

The dean was in the middle of intimate activity with a female student.

Disgust and hatred flashed in his eyes, but he still stood respectfully in place.

The middle-aged man finished quickly, patted his bulging belly, a satisfied expression on his face.

"Not bad at all. Here's a can of food for you!"

The dean took out a can of food from a corner of the room and casually threw it to the female student on the ground.

The student had a pure face and a graceful figure, but her eyes were dead and numb.

Seeing the can of food, a trace of vitality appeared on her face. She had to hide the can of food and left the room.

Hubbard, looking at the former beauty who had sold her body for a can of food, couldn't help but feel a wave of irony.

But when he saw that can of food, a wolf-like gleam appeared in his eyes. If the dean showed interest in him, he would willingly offer himself without hesitation.

As the apocalypse arrived, countless people lacked the courage to commit suicide and instead chose to live like walking dead, forsaking their dignity for a bit of food.

"Is Hubbard here?"

The dean slowly dressed himself, maintaining his air of authority, and spoke gradually.

"No one wants to resist, right?"

Hubbard shook his head; he was the spy that the dean had inserted among the students.

If anyone even thought about resisting, Hubbard would report it to the dean immediately.

Even though they were facing the apocalypse, this group of naive students was like lambs, how could they possibly contend with someone like Spike?

Even Hubbard wasn't sure how many spies like him there were.

The dean casually tossed out a sausage, signaling for him to leave.

Hubbard's hands trembled slightly as he carefully stored the sausage.

Inadvertently, he glanced at the large backpack in the corner of the room, where the food was stored, his eyes filled with deep greed.

Spike watched Hubbard leave the room and took out some beef jerky from his backpack, slowly savoring it.

With the apocalypse here, his days were still carefree, and he couldn't help but admire his own resourcefulness.

He had managed to rise to the position of dean with ease during peacetime, and it was still the same during the apocalypse.

The next day quickly arrived.

As hunger awakened everyone, they all had a ridiculous thought in their minds: they had lived for another day!

Spike slowly got up, took out some milk and bread, filled his stomach, tidied up his appearance, and walked out.

The zombies at the entrance should have left by now, right?

He nodded at every pale-faced student he passed by, portraying himself as exceptionally approachable.

Reaching the entrance, just as he was about to look outside, a knocking sound made him freeze, unable to help but look out.

A person stood outside, dressed in black leather, wearing sunglasses and a black mask. They even had a long sword with a gold hilt strapped to their back.

This appearance was incredibly unusual in the apocalypse, but Spike felt that the person's strength was astounding, and they might be here to rescue them.

Shaun's face was cold, successfully activating his protagonist aura; he felt as if he were shining brightly.

The over a hundred people inside were completely under his control!

The leather outfit clearly marked them as a master, especially that long sword taken from the toy store.

A true display of dominance!

Seeing the "master" outside, Spike's gaze shifted, and he noticed that the numerous zombies from yesterday had disappeared without a trace.

Could it be that this person had eliminated them all?

Spike quickly put on a flattering smile and opened the door enthusiastically.

Shaun's heart was on fire, his body trembling involuntarily, but he tried to maintain his composure as much as possible, slowly stepping inside.

"May I ask, hero, are you here to save us?"

Spike stood beside him, slightly bending over so that he was shorter than Shaun, smiling gently and asking.

Shaun didn't answer, directly turning away, wiping away the drool that had dribbled from his mask.

He felt like he was losing his image a bit. But he couldn't help it!

He wanted to transform directly into a demon!

Infect everyone, gaining over a thousand evolution points for himself.

But he held back.

If he acted recklessly now, many people would take the opportunity to escape. He alone couldn't stop them all.

He had to use strategy!

He was an intelligent zombie, how could he resort to brute force easily? It would be damaging to his image!

After all, elegance was timeless!