
Ten minutes later, Dominic, wearing a white lab coat, emerged. In his hand, he held a vial of blue liquid.

"This is a virus that has been condensed from numerous powerful mutant beasts. Even after my special concentration process, I hesitate to let just anyone take it."

"But I need a powerful subordinate!"

"After my analysis, if this succeeds, your strength will make a significant leap, and dealing with the eight people behind me will be a piece of cake."

Shaun remained expressionless, acknowledging that the other person was indeed a genius. Beyond Fifth-tier creatures were Lord-tier creatures, and there would indeed be a significant leap in strength. Without the system, Shaun would have been unaware of this.

Dominic extracted the potion into a syringe, a smile on his face.

"As long as it works, after I tame you, I'll rely on you to deal with those cockroaches in the marketplace!"