New Random Mission

The rebellion of the Golden Eagles has instilled a sense of crisis throughout the entire base. This upcoming campaign is bound to result in numerous casualties.

The fact that the Golden Eagles have been able to rampage for so long is not without reason. Shaun knows nothing about the Hayes family's plan. After the Hayes family announced this decision, they began discussing the details, and the meeting lasted for several hours.

At this moment, Shaun is looking at the information in his hand. His brow is slightly furrowed, and a thoughtful look passes through his eyes.

The information in his hand is the intelligence provided to him by the guild about Honor City. It's not very detailed, only containing a small amount of information.

On December 5th, Jed led a team to explore Honor City.

Team Strength: Two Rank-Five Awakened, Two Rank-Four Awakened, One Rank-One Awakened.

Survival Rate: Total annihilation...