Rioting mutant creatures

Name: ??

Grade: First-tier Lord

Potential: Excellent

Favorability: 50% (Favorability decreases daily; feeding Crystal Core will increase favorability)


- Pseudo-Evil Evolution (1)

- Immortality (1)

- Natural Aura (1)

- Possession (2)


- Perfect Immunity (2)

- Soul Resilience (2)

- Rapid Healing (2)

- Extreme Toughness (1)

Pseudo-Evil Evolution: Consuming the Crystal Core of any creature grants evolution points, but the added evolution points are halved.

Immortality: Completely immune to fatal injuries!

Natural Aura: Emits a natural aura that significantly reduces the hostility of other creatures.

Possession: Can actively transform into an intangible form and possess any living being, enhancing their own skills.

Duration: Thirty minutes

Cooldown: Twenty-four hours

Perfect Immunity: Has a 20% chance of completely avoiding damage.