Powerful mutated zombie

Willpower transfer!

He once again took control of the four. His field of view suddenly shifted, and he was now in the midst of a zombie horde to the south.

The number remained at twelve hundred. As long as zombies died, they would quickly be replenished.

If the zombies he controlled died, he could also initiate a willpower transfer to regain control. The majority of the twelve hundred zombies were elite zombies.

However, among them, the number of Lord-level zombies had reached nearly a hundred. This was roughly on par with the number of Awakened at South Rain Base.

If they were to engage in direct confrontation with higher-level powers, his side had a significant advantage. After all, with the assistance of the orange cat, it would be a simple matter to slay the Level 4 Awakened, Dale.

Shaun retrieved the potions he had obtained in the experimental building from the system's backpack.