Apocalypse Initiator

Shaun walked through the city.

The bustling humans around him gave him a sense of returning to peaceful times.

No one around questioned him, after all, nobody could possibly know everyone.

The base didn't have strict military organization for Awakened individuals; they formed small teams on their own.

It was normal for people not to recognize each other.

Shaun headed directly in the direction Woolery had indicated.

According to what he was told,

the leader of the City of Light was clearly not on the front lines but instead stationed in the headquarters.

This relieved him.

As long as there were no strong individuals, he could easily escape.

As he walked, Shaun remained calm, like an ordinary Awakened individual.

Two hours later, he stopped in front of a tall building.

The first floor was where the Merchant of the Apocalypse was located.

And the upper level was the command center for this battle.