Dwight's Plan

The time slowly passed, and the battle between zombies and mutant beasts was nearing its end.

The nearby ground was completely tainted with blood.

The stench of blood was overwhelmingly strong, but it did not bother the zombies in the slightest.

The fighting gradually subsided.

At a glance, the bodies were piled up like mountains.

The corpses of the mutant beasts were already immensely huge, and stacking them made the sight even more horrifying.

The zombie horde also suffered casualties, with hundreds of low-level lords dead.

Fortunately, most of them were low-level lords, and only a few high-level lords were lost.

This was well within Shaun's acceptable range.

This was also due to the presence of Little Beauty, a healing-type zombie.

Otherwise, the death toll would have been even more staggering.

After all, the enemy was tens of thousands of mutant beasts!