Mighty Dwight

Dwight held the long spear, standing firm.

His light golden eyes stared directly at the charging Giant Bear King.

The overwhelming pressure felt like a heavy mountain bearing down on him.

The immensely muscular Giant Bear King suddenly stomped its powerful limbs, causing the ground to crack and fissure.

Its colossal body soared into the air, descending like an avalanche.

A wave of ferocity radiated from it, far beyond what an ordinary creature could possess.

Dwight remained composed, the golden long spear in his hand shining brightly.

In an instant, he made his move!

The long spear in his hand was incredibly sharp, moving at an astonishing speed.

A myriad of spear shadows appeared in the blink of an eye, aiming to tear the opponent to shreds.


The Giant Bear King let out a terrifying roar, showing no fear at all.