
The eyes of the two giant crocodiles were filled with a raging fury, their momentum incredibly fierce, and their hearts remained unsettled for a long time.

Their brethren had fallen in Giantwood Province!

The cost of this invasion was too great!

The fall of a king-class creature was enough to lower the river's strength by a level.

All the mutated fish felt it too.

They all looked insanely furious, their sharp fangs tearing aggressively at the enemies ahead.

Dwight and Basil were completely suppressed for a moment.

Basil was already injured, so he naturally couldn't exert his full strength at this moment.

No matter how powerful Dwight was, he couldn't withstand the onslaught of the two giant crocodiles alone.

Not to mention, the strength of the gray crocodile could not be underestimated.

Dwight's heart also shook suddenly as he looked towards Giantwood Province in the west.