Assassination plan

Shaun stood high above South Rain Base, gazing into the distance.

The thick white mist barrier was almost negligible to him.

He easily spotted the endless zombies around, spreading like a sea of corpses throughout Giantwood Province.

If he chose to escape this time, all the zombies here would likely perish.

His own evolution speed would come to a complete halt.

To evolve again, he could only kill creatures of the same tier.

But it took ten King-class creatures to advance once, a truly daunting task!

One day passed quickly.

Shaun wandered aimlessly across Giantwood Province.

By the time he reached the south, he could distinctly sense the upheaval in Tree Mountains.

Dwight's message seemed to be true.

The forces from all directions and the maritime mutant beasts were attacking. The Zombie City was utterly unable to resist.