First-time cooperation

On the outskirts of the Red Sea Mountains, three immensely large mutant beasts gathered together. 

One of them was a white giant tiger, looking fierce and intimidating in appearance. It was the king mutant beast repelled by Dwight and the zombie squad. 

The other one was a gray giant wolf, also reaching several hundred meters in size. The eyes of these massive wolves were filled with cruelty and aggression, occasionally showing a thoughtful glint. Their might was no less than that of the white giant tiger. 

Presumably, it was another king mutant beast of the Red Sea Mountains. 

The personalities of the two king mutant beasts were ferocious and highly aggressive, already keeping a watchful eye on other forces. 

What caught the attention of Shaun and Dwight, however, was another king mutant beast. 

It turned out to be a sea serpent, massive and robust, stretching up to a hundred meters in length.