The end of giant turtle

Both sides had been battling for several days. Shaun and Dwight's weakened states had already vanished.

They hesitated for a moment, then continued to flee without looking back. The danger of trying to take advantage of a battle between two such terrifying beings was simply too great.

The sound of the commotion behind them gradually faded as they kept flying. The endless expanse of the sea stretched before them, and no matter which direction they looked, the landscape appeared the same. Recognizing their direction was proving to be incredibly difficult.

They landed on a deserted island, and Shaun had a shadow of doubt in his heart. It was only when he was certain that he wasn't standing on top of some mutant creature that he relaxed.

Meanwhile, Dwight was using his skills continuously, attempting to discern the way back. Shaun had significant doubts about his searching skills, but given the circumstances, he had no choice but to trust Dwight.