
After a thorough search, the white rhinoceros failed to find more clues. The battlefield ahead was in a state of intense combat, and it had to head to the frontline. The surprise attack plan had failed, and sea powers had dispatched two primary-level king creatures. The rhinoceros ultimately had to lead a large number of mutated beasts back to their base to regroup.

The battlefield gradually returned to calm. Shaun, meanwhile, led over a thousand high-tier zombies to hide in a seaweed cluster, concealing their presence. He also cooked the flesh of all high-tier lord-level mutated beasts for the zombies to consume. In his hand, he held a purple sphere.

"Swift Phantom Step (Fake): Due to the lack of the 'Swift Body' talent, the skill is weakened and cannot evolve. Effect one: Increases own speed by 10%. Effect two: Upon activation, instantly teleport to any location within a hundred meters. Cooldown: Thirty minutes."