Its Doom is Sealed

With the aid of this instant teleportation skill, Shaun could escape any predicament.

"Not good!"

The three early-stage third-level kings immediately realized the danger and sensed something ominous.

When Shaun reappeared, he had already escaped the encirclement of the grey gas and poisonous mist.

He instantly appeared above the mutated swordfish.

The creature's attack power was formidable, likely the main offensive entity.

If he could severely injure it, the other two early-stage kings would pose no threat.

Holding a massive purple longsword, Shaun slashed wildly downward, the fierce flames instantly signaling a life-and-death crisis to the mutated swordfish.

The swordfish let out a hissing roar, as numerous large spikes, sharp as blades, cut through the air towards him.

But how could such a hasty counterattack be effective?

Shaun, wielding the purple longsword, easily sliced through the incoming spikes.