The Great Battle (5)

Shaun, with an indifferent expression, holding the massive frying pan, delivered another Vibrating Deathblow to the opponent!

The prolonged battle had already severely injured the mutant tiger.

The intense weakness that followed left it with little strength to resist.


With a loud collision, the tiger's massive body broke numerous ancient trees and completely collapsed on a mountain peak.

This time, the mutant tiger could not stand up again!

Its gaze became vacant as it looked towards the east, still filled with incomprehension.

Yet, regret surfaced in its heart.

The growth rate of the zombies exceeded the expectations of all forces.

Had they known this earlier, the Northwestern Mountains would have launched a full-scale attack, wiping out the humans and zombies in the south.

But it was all too late now!

Only when the enemy launched an invasion did they realize the extent of the zombies' terrifying strength.