Peak Combat Power

Shaun stealthily approached the seabed, rapidly closing in on the battlefield ahead. The battlefield, almost instantly upon the outbreak of the war, was stained red with blood. The upper lords, with their colossal sizes, bled profusely, tinting the entire sea area a pale red, as the smell of blood diffused relentlessly.

The mutant marlin, seething with anger, glared at the great white shark.

"Have you lost your mind?! At this rate, both our forces will suffer immense losses!"

Despite its fury, the mutant great white shark relentlessly pressed its attack, though internally it harbored growing concerns. The loss of too many mutant beasts could lead to repercussions from the Shark Emperor.

Amidst the ongoing battle, the mutant marlin suddenly paused, its expression shifting to one of terror. A massive frying pan, emanating intense wind and thunder, suddenly emerged from the seabed. With a loud crash, the large marlin was sent flying.