Tentative Confrontation

With a thought, Shaun realized that the other party was a Divine Envoy, not some insignificant figure. Even within the unknown civilization, they were powerful beings.

"The First Civilization?" Shaun inquired further, wanting to learn more about the unknown civilization.

"The civilization from the first era of the planet. The world as it is now represents the second era of civilization. Unfortunately, your civilization was too backward and had no resistance against the sudden outbreak of the apocalypse," Yaoxi explained with a sigh. "Our civilization ended the apocalypse within less than a year."

"But you still perished," Shaun retorted mockingly, though he was growing more cautious.

The fact that they managed to end the apocalypse in less than a year should not be underestimated. Mutated beasts in the sea and the world's zombies would likely be no match for them. The reason for the downfall of the First Civilization was probably the red light cluster.