Instantaneous Slaying of the Dragon Turtle King

The Dragon Turtle King turned slightly, and in an instant, it saw the land creature thousands of meters away!

Shaun's eyes were bloodshot, unlike anything seen before, filled with chilling dread. Blood flowed from his eyes, making him look incredibly fierce.

Suddenly, an enormous blood-red hand appeared!

The extreme coldness it emanated caused the Mutant Swordfish King and the Second Divine Guardian to stop their battle instantly. A lingering sense of death enveloped them, as they felt a soul-shaking presence, as if they had encountered their arch-nemesis.

Shaun's field of vision underwent a massive transformation, with no sign of any ocean waves or the blood-red sun. Even the three high-level tier-three monarchs couldn't be clearly seen. He could only see a massive blood hand and three clusters of light.