Joining Forces

On the Elemental Continent, inside the God's Tomb.

The red light cluster in the mysterious space had become even deeper, while the blue light cluster had grown dimmer, nearing complete consumption.

"You... can't stop me..." a eerie voice suddenly echoed.

Dwight below sat firmly, unwavering, but he sighed deeply, well aware of the crisis at hand. Once the other party escaped, the consequences would be unimaginable. He wasn't sure if relocating all of humanity to the Elemental Continent was the right decision.

Meanwhile, the blue light suddenly began to change, as if it had realized its fate. It started merging into Dwight's body.

"Is it about to emerge?" Dwight was taken aback, his heart heavy with worry. He didn't know how prepared civilization was at this point. Once it emerged, even in its damaged state, it would be invincible, unstoppable by anyone. They could only rely on fate now.
