Divine Relic

"Shark Emperor, are you really going to ally with him?! Don't end up being the first one he kills!" The Sea Dragon Emperor began to emanate a mental fluctuation, attempting to sow discord between the two.

But it was also a fact that once Shaun reached the Emperor level, even the combined might of the Three Emperors of the Sea might not be a match for him.

"I don't need you to worry about that!" The Shark Emperor retracted his surprise and became ice-cold once more, seemingly unfazed by Shaun's strength.

"Burst out all your power! At least we need to severely wound it!" The Shark Emperor used a special skill to communicate with Shaun once more.

The purpose of this sudden attack was not to slay a multitude of high-level Kings but to target the Sea Dragon Emperor. Even if they couldn't kill him, they wanted to inflict severe damage.

Shaun nodded slightly, his gaze filled with resolute determination.