The Collapse of the Divine Tomb

The malevolent thought within the Divine Tomb was incredibly excited. The moment for its escape had finally arrived. 

As time passed, the power of malevolence became increasingly terrifying, illuminating the entire dark space with its radiance. In the midst of this blood-red aura, Dwight still sat cross-legged.

His formerly lifeless expression suddenly filled with intense coldness.

"Yao Xi... Yao Xi..."

In an instant, an overwhelming aura of murderous intent permeated the surroundings. The Second Divine Emissary had once promised him that there would be a place for humanity to survive. However, he had been deceived.

The extreme sorrow and pain had transformed into the most intense hatred in his heart. Dwight abruptly stood up, his demeanor colder than ever. His eyes were filled with madness.

"Pure negative emotions, I love it..."

The red light sphere flickered, emitting an evil spiritual aura.