Ominous Message (1)

Under the lazy afternoon sun gradually descending its way toward the horizon, casting a warm tangerine glow all over the sky, the port was filled with activity.

There were ships of all sizes, from the big ones with their tall masts reaching for the sky to the smaller fishing boats rocking gently. Sailors, like busy ants, scurried across the decks, hustling to secure ropes, inspect cargo, and ensure that all was in perfect order.

The salty tang of the sea hung in the breeze. Waves, with their rhythmic percussion, continuously smacked against the sturdy hulls of the ships and the solid pillars of the pier, providing a backdrop to the vast expanse of salt water that stretched out before them.

Nicolaus, joined by Sir Daelan and Rafte, walked along the planks of the pier. With each step they took, the timeworn wood seemed to groan and creak beneath their weight.

As the trio made their way, they effortlessly melded into the crowd of nosy bystanders who gathered around, forming a semi-circle. Every pair of eyes was locked onto the center of the spectacle, a lifeless body sprawled on the beach, brought there, as if the sea had delivered it ashore.

The lifeless body held the rapt attention of the assembled crowd, a captivated audience with expressions that spanned from concern to curiosity as they whispered and murmured amongst themselves.

"Oh, poor soul. Must have been from a shipwreck," one concerned lady couldn't help but voice her empathy, casting a glance at the sea.

"D'you reckon it's a sailor?" another curious onlooker queried, his eyes squinting against the sun's glare, attempting to discern any clues from the clothes of the deceased.

A third voice joined the conversation, contemplating the grim possibilities as he pondered, "Could someone have drowned?"

"I've seen my share of drownings," an experienced local spoke up, shaking his head with discomfort. "This one's a bit odd, if you ask me."

From the crowd, an elderly woman stood, her eyes never leaving the lifeless body. "It's terrible to see a body left so exposed," she remarked, her words heavy with the implication of a tragic fate.

In the murmur of conversations and speculative whispers, Nicolaus leaned in close to his companions. His voice was hushed yet urgent. "Stay sharp," he warned.

After all… the staged corpse on the port wasn't just a grim spectacle; it was a message. 

It was all part of a calculated gambit, a move aiming to lure out the mastermind behind the sabotage of Nicolaus' business. He had left this trail of breadcrumbs for this individual to follow, a bait to draw them into the open.

As Nicolaus' voice faded into the background buzz of the crowd, Rafte offered a silent nod, his keen eyes darting across the sea of faces assembled around them. 

Sir Daelan mirrored the vigilance, scanning the crowd for any signs of suspicious activity.

As the hour slowly passed by, the sun finally dipped below the horizon, covering the sky with a blanket of twilight. Then, the silvery moon decided it was time to make a grand entrance; its gentle light washed over everything.

Rafte began to feel a bit skeptical, thinking if someone would ever emerge from the crowd. But then, he glimpsed at Nicolaus, whose jaw locked in a tense clench, and so he waited patiently.

In the middle of the growing mob, guards had shown up to make sure things didn't get out of hand, keeping everyone from shoving each other.

As more folks gathered around the lifeless body, among them, two individuals began to raise suspicion among Nicolaus' crew.

'Finally, you took the bait,' Nicolaus couldn't help but think, a sly smile playing on his lips.

The first one, all wrapped up in a cloak, was sneaking and skulking around the edges of the crowd. Their eyes were darting all over the place, assessing their surroundings.

And the second person, he had this hat pulled way down low over his eyes. He was hanging out at the assembly; his eyes were just as shifty as the cloaked one, checking out not just the folks in the crowd but also keeping a close eye on the guards.

When it was just the right moment, as the cloaked figure was inching closer to the drifting corpse, the guy in the hat executed his part of the plan. 

Out of nowhere, he let out this scream and dramatically pointed a finger, hollering, "Hey, you! Did you just try to steal my purse?"

The guy getting accused was caught off guard and immediately protested. "What?" he exclaimed, questioning.

So, the person with the hat cranked up the drama even more. He shouted even louder, making a scene that could wake the dead. "I saw him, I tell you! He was aiming to swipe my wallet straight from my pocket!"

A chaotic situation broke loose as the man suddenly bellowed like there was no tomorrow, drawing the immediate attention of the onlookers and the guards.

People started to turn their heads to see what all the fuss was about. There were even a few grumbles about the pickpocket trying to seize the opportunity in the middle of the commotion.

The guards started to move through the crowd to investigate. They were looking for the pickpocket who had been reported. 

Sir Daelan's emotions were conflicted; embarrassment and disappointment washed over him. He didn't like that Nicolaus was about to witness how these idiot guards were handling the situation. However, he realized it was also an opportune moment for the person in the cloak.

Rafte, then, leaned over to Nicolaus, a concerned expression on his face, and whispered, "What do we do now?" 

But Nicolaus didn't have much to say, and he just stayed quiet. His eyes fixed on the cloaked figure, and he watched as they skillfully maneuvered their way through the distracted guards. 

The mysterious figure squatted beside the corpse, their gloved hands hovering over the lifeless form. They purposefully opened the corpse's mouth before pulling and checking the corpse's blackened tongue.

It seemed like the person was confirming something. And after a minute, they finally decided to slip away; the cloak fluttered softly as they retreated.

With their task achieved, the cloaked figure tried to blend seamlessly with the onlookers who remained ignorant of the evasive examination that had just taken place.

However, Nicolaus had no intention of letting them slip away unnoticed. In a subtle gesture, he signaled Rafte to join him in tailing the individual in the cloak. Simultaneously, he instructed Sir Daelan to handle the accomplice.