Night Watch (2)

But despite Sir Alistair's curious question, Talon couldn't tear his eyes away from the creeper. He was thinking of chasing after them, but there was a problem. He was met with the iron fences blocking his way.

"Ah, darn it," Talon let out a curse under his breath in frustration. 

 He didn't want to let this opportunity slip through his fingers, so he looked up at the iron bars. Scanning them, his mind worked on a way around this obstacle.

And as soon as the idea popped into his head, he kicked in. He did not waste any time, and swiftly, he started to climb over the iron fences. His hand gripped the metal, muscles flexing as he hoisted himself up and over.

Talon made a solid landing on the ground with a heavy thud, the impact causing him to let out a grunt. His sword, secured at his waist, slipped from its sheath and clattered to the ground, clanging as it hit the earth.