Their Morning Encounters (2)

Mikael sneaked a peer over his shoulder, catching the sight of a satisfied expression plastered across Nicolaus' face. It was similar to a look that oozed victory and that sent an immediate irritation through Mikael's veins.

If only he had the strength left, Mikael would love nothing more than to deliver a kick to Nicolaus' manhood. Alas, his legs had already given out, failing to comply with the thoughts in his head. 

"My lord," Mikael attempted to address Nicolaus. But it appeared that he was deliberately ignoring him again, as there was no immediate response from him.

Observing Nicolaus busy, working to put his pants and shirt on, Mikael failed not to let out a barely concealed eye-roll at this apparent inattentiveness. 

It was pretty obvious that this man was pulling strings. But despite his annoyance, Mikael resigned himself to complying with his antics.

"Nico," Mikael called out, using the nickname in an attempt to break through his reverie.