Investigation at Lady Clarissa's Room (2)

Glancing at the tea resting on the coffee table, Sir Redlic's gaze lingered on the warm beverage that had been prepared for him. 

The steam danced upwards, the cup's surface acting as a mirror, reflecting his own contemplative expression back at him.

Without a moment's hesitation, he picked up the teacup and downed its contents in a single swift gulp, savoring its soothing warmth.

Pushing himself up from the couch, Sir Redlic straightened his posture, a grateful smile curving his lips. "Thank you for being straightforward, Esteemed Lady Clarissa," he expressed warmly.

After giving a courteous bow to the lady, Sir Redlic turned to the maid with a sincere expression, "And we would like to extend our apologies for the bruise we caused on your maid."

As he conveyed the apology, on cue, Sir Redlic patted Talon's shoulder, signifying that it was time for Talon to step into the spotlight.