Tremors of Fear (2)

They were locked in a silent staring contest, air tense and thick enough to choke on. Their glares served as their daggers, sharp and unwavering.

For a fleeting second, her composure looked like it faltered before it snapped back. "Isn't their marriage merely for convenience?" she countered with a cunning grin.

Aurel gritted her teeth, determined not to give Lady Clarissa the satisfaction and react to her provocations. It was clear as day what her intentions were, and where this exchange was headed.

Aurel had more important things to worry about than wasting time with trivial jealousies.

"I heard what I heard," she proclaimed, her voice tight of fierceness. "I won't forget the words that I caught from you. Consider this as a warning, Esteemed Lady–"

Out of nowhere, an uncomfortable feeling overcame her. The air around her felt tainted and sickening, though she could not detect a distinct odor.